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Global Import-Export Weekly Newsletter

Global Import-Export Weekly Newsletter (ISSN 1205-7622) aims to provide up to date and credible import-export information worldwide by connecting buyers with sellers and importers with exporters. Published weekly, every Monday, this newsletter is sent to our readers by email. Its first issue was published on July 19, 1996.

If your business depends on up to date import/export information in your area and is seeking to break into new markets, you may want to subscribe to our newsletter. To see a free newsletter sample, please Click Here (depends on your modem speed, it may take 1-2 minutes to download). To see a long list of comments made by many other satisfied subscribers from 100+ countries, please visit our Guestbook.

If you are marketing on some trade related web sites or Internet newsgroups, you may find these marketing methods are not producing the result you hoped for. Our newsletter will help you to send your buy/sell offers quickly to thousands of importers, exporters, distributors and manufacturers worldwide, straight to their desk by Email. By providing this newsletter for our readers, we hope to provide a forum for them to interface directly without a middleman. We hope eventually to persuade many of the world's leading trade companies to become subscribers in every country of the world.

For a list of companies in over 100 countries and regions that we distribute this newsletter to, please Click Here. To see a list of 100+ countries and regions in which we currently distribute this newsletter to and in which our registered members locate, please Click Here.

If you are an established manufacturer, importer or exporter, you may place your buy/sell offers in our newsletter at a nominal administrative fee (Can$5.00/each). The current subscription fee is Can$15 per month (about US$10). We believe the information we provide you in this newsletter may generate amounts of cash flow to your company substantially in excess of its nominal cost. To subscribe to our newsletter, please fill out the Subscription Form and send it back to us by e-mail, fax or regular mail. We will start our regular services once we receive your subscription. Here are Some Rules & Disclaimer.

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