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New User Registration

New User Registration Form

Contact Name:
Company Name:
Your E-mail:
Your Web Page Address:
Mailing Address:
Zip/postal code:
Select a User ID:
(Case sensitive)
Select a Password:
(Case sensitive)
Reenter Password:
(Case sensitive)
Number of Month Registered (3 months or more is recommended):
Method of Payment (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Money Oredr, Check):
Credit Card Number:
Exp Date (MM/YY):
Name on Card:
Signature (if sent by fax):

Comments: Please include your feedback about our service.


1. We accept money orders, certified cheques, bank drafts, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or cash (US and Canadian bills only, sent by registered mail). Please make check payable to Golden Bridge Trade Center. All service fees are based on Canadian dollars unless specified otherwise (Can$1=US$1.02 as of October 2007). To make payment by US dollars, please convert the service fees by times 1.02.

2. To order by credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express), please fill out the above form and send it to us by email (click), or print out the form, fill in and fax to: 613-741-7881.

3. All other orders, please mail the registration form to:

Golden Bridge Trade Center
Box 74162
5 Beechwood Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1M 2H9
4. When your registration is received, we will activate your account and inform you by email. Due to the volume we receive and time difference, it takes some time for us to activate new accounts. We thank you for your patience and understanding.
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